Learning correct articulation of sounds can be very difficult. The main reason is that we don't see the tongue position and shape in the mouth. But this is possible with ultrasound tongue imaging. The method shows the tongue in real time, while we speak, and can help with learning articulation of new sounds. It is suitable for correcting mispronunciations due to different speech disorders, or poorly acquired sounds of a foreign language.
Pronunciation practice can be organized in the form of individual or group sessions.
When learning a foreign language, most people have difficulties saying new sounds correctly. For example, if you are a Czech speaker of English, is there a difference in how you say “pan” and “pen”? There are two different vowels in these words and they can be learned! I can help you learn the pronunciation of almost any sound in any language.
Ultrasound tongue imaging makes it possible to observe own tongue movements during speech. Seeing your tongue makes it easier to understand the necessary tongue shape, position, or movements, and easier to control the tongue when articulating new speech sounds. The method has been proven to significantly shorten the acquisition of new speech sounds. Ultrasound is completely safe and uninvasive and is suitable for adults and children from about 5 years of age. More info in section Services.
An important aspect of my work is using only evidence-based practices, meaning that all used methods have been verified in extensive research and have been proven to contribute to the improvement in speech production.
I offer comprehensive speech assessment, including acoustic analysis of speech and articulatory analysis of tongue movements.
I speak fluent English and conversational Czech. However, I can help you or your child learn any speech sound of any language, as long as we can communicate in either English or Czech.
I offer workshops on various topics related to speech production, speech impairments, pronunciation of speech sounds in foreign languages, and acoustic speech analysis in speech therapy practice. Workshops are aimed at speech-language therapists, teachers of foreign languages, and students of foreign languages.